Regular exercise is absolutely vital to the general health and well being of any dog. How much depends on a number of factors but it is widely accepted that dog owners significantly under-estimate the level and type of activity best suited to their dog. We have prepared a chart of the major breeds showing the ideal amount and type of exercise they require.
Dogs have worked with humans for thousands of years. Most breeds were originally bred for a specific purpose such as hunting, herding livestock or providing protection. Working is in every dogs DNA. Our pet dogs however, no longer have to work for their food and are often confined, alone and inactive, for most of the day. To keep our dogs fit, healthy and happy we need to reproduce the physical and mental challenges which will satisfy the very basic, instinctive needs of our canine "children".
So how much exercise do they need? It depends on several factors. The breed (size and what it was originally bred for); age; fitness levels. A healthy adult dog can require more than 2 hours exercise each day. A Border Collie for example can need 10 miles walking each day. Our own Cocker Spaniel, bred for endurance as a gun dog, walks twice a day 3 to 5 miles each walk and would do more if we let her (who would have thought: that cute little spaniel puppy)! We have produced a chart which sets out the basic exercise needs for the different breeds and some additional requirements which are breed specific.
So what if they don't get enough exercise? Usually the pent up energy has to go somewhere and it often displays itself in a variety of behaviour patterns. To name a few: digging, excessive barking, escaping from the garden, jumping on people, running around, chewing and destruction, obsessively seeking attention and even some neurotic behaviours like chasing its tail or self licking.
At Maisilly we seek to reproduce sufficient mental and physical stimulation during one of our walks to not only exercise your dog but keep it mentally stimulated and satisfied.
We recommend that dogs are walked in groups. Socialising with other dogs is a vital part of a dogs development and stimulation. We will carefully assess the balance of dogs walked together but a mix of junior and more senior dogs is hugely beneficial to training a younger dog as to acceptable behaviour. If you would prefer we can walk your dog(s) on their own by arrangement.
For most active breeds we will recommend that dogs are walked off the lead so that they get the maximum benefit from their walk. Of course this requires that they have a good basic level of training and discipline (and we will only walk off lead with the owners prior permission). This enables them to explore terrain and respond to scents and sights as various breeds are bred to do.
Unless otherwise agreed your dog(s) will be walked for a full hour. We will walk on or off lead, any dog walked off the lead will be fitted with a satellite navigation device showing its whereabouts (in real time) and available to my Ipad. We will have portable shower facilities on board and every dog will be returned clean and towel dried when they get wet, muddy or worse!
On returning them home we will ensure they are settled and have their water bowl filled to the brim with fresh water.
Most of my walks are specially selected routes on the "stunning North Downs" which provides a spectacular mix of terrain and vegetation. A doggy millionaire's playground!
The picture gallery below shows some of the "friends of Maisilly".