


Maisilly Complete Dog care is the result of my passion for dogs. Click on the logo to read more about the Maisilly story.





Hi, I'm Sally Hitchens and for those who don't know me, absolutely mad about all things dogs. Previously, I had a twenty year career in the travel industry managing a team of 40+ staff delivering a first class service to hundreds of thousands of travelling clients at airports, docks and rail stations. Twenty years with humans is long enough, now it's time for my real passion ........DOGS! I live in Chaldon with my partner Tony and Maisie my beautiful Cocker Spaniel.

More about Sally

Hi, I'm Tony; Sally and I have been together since 2001 when we met working for the same travel company. I am a chartered accountant by profession and after a career as Financial Director of a large UK service business and running my own Financial services company joined the travel company that was to "seal my fate"!

After helping Sally set up the Maisilly business I decided to join her in 2015. What an inspired decision; it has been a joy working with all our dogs over the years. I have definitely made more real friends since 2015 than I did in the previous 60 years!   

 We are currently looking to recruit a new member of the team. We are presently finalising our requirements for the person and job specifications which we will upload to the website in the near future.

narps_logo_web_med-1.jpgWe are a member of The National Association of Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers (NARPS). You can see our profile page on their web site at

We have completed and passed their 90 day training programme


First Aid

I have completed a dog first Aid course conducted by Galen Therapy. The course was taught by leading veterinary surgeon Andy Mead BVet Med MRCVS supported by Julia Robertson.


We have full Public Liability Insurance. The policy is with Pet Business Insurance (recommended by NarpsUK) and the key terms of the policy are:-                                  

  • Public Liability cover £3 million.
  • Care Custody & Control (liability to animals) £15,000 for any one accident.
  • Loss of key cover £10,000.

We also have fully comprehensive vehicle insurance which includes the provision for business use transportation of dogs.

We are all CRB checked to give you peace of mind about security issues. Obviously with access to your home, key holding, alarm details you need to be confident. We are absolutely committed to provide the very highest standards of integrity and confidentiality. 

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